SolarFoil increases production yields of horticulture by utilizing the sun’s potential to it’s fullest. Agriculture is continuously under pressure to become more efficient and minimize the negative impact on the environment. Sunlight is at the heart of horticulture, yet plants and microalgae do not utilize all the light offered by the sun as efficiently. UV light […]
Firefly Quantum is making optical circuits as easy as electonic circuits. In electronics the printed circuit board provides a low-cost, high-performance route to market for custom circuit designs. This essential link between breadboards and integrated circuits is missing for optics. The way optical circuits are built hasn’t significantly changed in 50 years. Students, researchers and […]
Products for Daily Life energy. Human bodies need energy in more precise and healthy ways in the current VUCA World. Most of the products available in the market are missing some key needs which will be addressed by this project