Firefly Quantum is making optical circuits as easy as electonic circuits.
In electronics the printed circuit board provides a low-cost, high-performance route to market for custom circuit designs. This essential link between breadboards and integrated circuits is missing for optics. The way optical circuits are built hasn’t significantly changed in 50 years. Students, researchers and technicians spend their days making, aligning and then maintaining forests of optics on precision opto-mechanical adjusters in temperature controlled clean rooms. Even fielded products are usually based on breadboards with their inherently high costs, long production times and reliability problems. Solving this problem is essential for fielding most quantum technologies that are built on complex electro-optical systems. More generally, it has great potential for the $40B laser and optical technology market. The ability to rapidly produce custom micro-optical circuits on demand has the potential to disrupt the laser and optics industries providing the manufacturing platform to “open source” optical circuits in much the same way that 3D printing has disrupted manufacturing.
Location: @Science Park
An optical probe that characterizes molecular structure and size We have designed and are currently optimizing an optical liquid sample cell that simultaneously measures the size and IR/UV/Raman spectrum of molecules/particles in solution: Optical Diffusion-Ordered SpectroscopY. In the case of mixed samples, the optical spectra of the different components are cleanly separated by size. This […]
Madglove delivers an accessible home-based rehabilitation solution to counteract the effects of hand spasticity around the world. Spasticity, one of the most common effects of stroke makes it very difficult for individuals to use their hands. Madglove designed a smart, easy to use glove to help them overcome it. By improving their handfunction, they increase […]
Aromatherapy and Forest Therapy for reducing anxiety. Aromatic Woodland Therapeutics aims to help university students reduce anxiety, which is considered the most prevalent mental health problem among university students. The innovative intervention is the combination of blended essential oils (agarwood, sandalwood, and patchouli essential oils) and forest therapy (video / VR).