Flowsure develops an automated urine production monitor that improves patient safety while reducing nursing workload.
Patients are monitored by checking vital parameters including the continuous urine output. Today’s manual registration of urine output is too labor intensive, resulting in critical patient information not being available to ensure their safety. Flowsure automates urine output registration by weighing urine as it flows into the catheter bag. It improves patient safety by alarming when urine output halts. It reduces nursing workload by sending the registrations to electronic medical record. Flowsure is simple, reusable and cheap to use.
A pill-sized camera that drastically improves esophageal cancer screening. Each year, 600,000 people are diagnosed with esophageal cancer and 75% die within 5 years after receiving this diagnosis. Screening with conventional endoscopy is offered to people with Barrett’s esophagus, a disease linked to a higher cancer risk, but it misses 25% of early cancer and […]
AI-powered robotics for environmental sensing available through a configurable cloud platform. As a low-cost, highly automated platform for environmental sensing, Storks Robotics Lab’s products reducee the entry barrier for any business that requires environmental sensing. The solution works by programmatically deploying a large array of inexpensive environmental sensors using AI-powered autonomous drones and ground robots. […]
Firefly Quantum is making optical circuits as easy as electonic circuits. In electronics the printed circuit board provides a low-cost, high-performance route to market for custom circuit designs. This essential link between breadboards and integrated circuits is missing for optics. The way optical circuits are built hasn’t significantly changed in 50 years. Students, researchers and […]