We develop a laboratory where scientists can book and freely make use of sophisticated equipment without depending on other research teams or being forced to fully purchase the machines.
I chose Demonstrator Lab because I am new to entrepreneurship and the D-Lab is here to help students from the VU develop their ideas. Besides a readily available working space, D-Lab also fosters collaboration possibilities between various other entrepreneurs as well as having them work together in generating ideas. So far it has helped me realize some pitfalls and other elements which I may have not thought of when developing my idea.
AI-based, wearable visual aid technology 1 in 30 Europeans suffers from visual impairment, and 75% of them are unemployed. Taking the form of a pair of glasses, Sonoptic is an AI based solution helps the visually impaired at work, at home and in education by providing three key features: Object identification – to help find […]
Bug hunting with DBugIT Suboptimal testing of software creates problems, such as delayed trains, financial losses and even accidents with losses of human lives. However, students consider sofwtare testing as a boring and unrewarding activity. We are DBugIT and we aim to change this situation and bring fun and excitement in software testing education. Our […]
AI-powered robotics for environmental sensing available through a configurable cloud platform. As a low-cost, highly automated platform for environmental sensing, Storks Robotics Lab’s products reducee the entry barrier for any business that requires environmental sensing. The solution works by programmatically deploying a large array of inexpensive environmental sensors using AI-powered autonomous drones and ground robots. […]