We create Smart Campus Tools. We use sensors and data to improve campus experience for students, while also innovating campus management for the University.
We started to develop the PLEQ-app, a study spot finder based on real time occupancy data of study rooms around campus.
We want to create the future campus. A campus where students feel inspired to come to study, and finding a studyplace is much, much easier. And where the University, for the first time ever can get a grip on what really is happening based on real objective data.
AI-powered triage application. Crafting an AI-powered triage application designed to revolutionize initial patient assessments in healthcare. By harnessing the capabilities of advanced artificial intelligence, our project aims to mitigate excessive wait times and streamline the diagnostic process, enabling doctors and nurses to prioritize care with unprecedented efficiency. Our application leverages OpenAI’s sophisticated language models to […]
AI-based, wearable visual aid technology 1 in 30 Europeans suffers from visual impairment, and 75% of them are unemployed. Taking the form of a pair of glasses, Sonoptic is an AI based solution helps the visually impaired at work, at home and in education by providing three key features: Object identification – to help find […]
Calibration-free webcam eye-tracker based on deep learning DeepEye records eye movements using a regular webcam and cutting-edge AI algorithms. Eye-tracking is widely used to understand how humans process information. This information provides solutions for scientific research, marketing & advertising, building human-computer interfaces, and diagnosing mental disorders. DeepEye is designed to make eye-tracking available to everyone […]