Since 2017, many students and researchers have successfully used Demonstrator Lab to develop their ideas to maturity. This has led to the establishment of new companies offering new products and services. We present you an overview of the current participating projects below.
Lentala revolutionizes school furniture into playful seating designs that invite active sitting. The human body has evolved to move, and the Lentala seating designs afford children to do just that: move! Children use a much wider range of intuitive sitting postures than on regular school chairs and more often reposition their body, shifting regularly between sitting postures. We […]
A pill-sized camera that drastically improves esophageal cancer screening. Each year, 600,000 people are diagnosed with esophageal cancer and 75% die within 5 years after receiving this diagnosis. Screening with conventional endoscopy is offered to people with Barrett’s esophagus, a disease linked to a higher cancer risk, but it misses 25% of early cancer and […]
Designing a smart battery optimizer to charge your electronics in a controlled and technically optimized way! The mission of Liion Power is to make our future more sustainable, by improving the performance and longevity of lithium-ion batteries by charging them in a smart way. Lithium-ion batteries are in our smartphones, E-bikes and many of our […]
Madglove delivers an accessible home-based rehabilitation solution to counteract the effects of hand spasticity around the world. Spasticity, one of the most common effects of stroke makes it very difficult for individuals to use their hands. Madglove designed a smart, easy to use glove to help them overcome it. By improving their handfunction, they increase […]
AI-powered triage application. Crafting an AI-powered triage application designed to revolutionize initial patient assessments in healthcare. By harnessing the capabilities of advanced artificial intelligence, our project aims to mitigate excessive wait times and streamline the diagnostic process, enabling doctors and nurses to prioritize care with unprecedented efficiency. Our application leverages OpenAI’s sophisticated language models to […]
Products for Daily Life energy. Human bodies need energy in more precise and healthy ways in the current VUCA World. Most of the products available in the market are missing some key needs which will be addressed by this project
MycoFarming harnesses the power of fungi to combat the nitrogen crisis. The proposed solution uses the natural filtration capabilities of fungal mycelium, to capture and degrade nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus, from agricultural runoff before they accumulate in our water bodies. Visit the website! MycoFarming®
Virtual Reality based therapy for alcohol users using biofeedback technology anywhere and anytime. Myndful is a virtual reality (VR) application to help people with substance use problems. Myndful combines VR, evidence-based psychological therapy, and biofeedback technology. Myndful’s tailor-made program trains users to gain skills to manage their addiction. With biofeedback technology, users can observe their […]
Nano Hybrids aims at solving the synthesis of hybrid core-shell nanoparticles to unlock their potential. After more than 30 years of research, the potential of nanoparticles for applications with high technological and societal impact is widely agreed upon. But, production methods remain a bottleneck for their wide deployment into broader markets. Nano Hybrids is developing […]
Targeting Software sustainability and standardizing serverless functions. We are taking on the rampant lack of standards with regards to serverless computing and aiming to create a simple standard which the entire development community can rally behind. This solution has the benefit of being more energy efficient, so we will help companies reach their sustainability goals.