ReadLer is an AI-powered digital assistant focused on children with language and speech disabilities. The application gives detailed feedback on how to improve speech and pronunciation. It can be used as both complementary and independently from language therapy. The ReadLer AI application will give tailored feedback on how to improve speech. It leverages large synthetic and real datasets and runs on a unique AI engine.
ReadLer’s team has chosen for the DemonstratorLab because we want to develop the application in an innovative community, where we can benefit from professional advice and (investment) connections to bring our idea to market.
Bug hunting with DBugIT Suboptimal testing of software creates problems, such as delayed trains, financial losses and even accidents with losses of human lives. However, students consider sofwtare testing as a boring and unrewarding activity. We are DBugIT and we aim to change this situation and bring fun and excitement in software testing education. Our […]
Breath sensors for pre-symptomatic disease detection Over the past few years, traffic incidents caused by drivers that are under the influence of laughing gas have increased more than ten-fold. Unlike for alcohol and drugs, there is currently no device available that can prove a driver was under the influence of laughing gas. We are developing […]
Products for Daily Life energy. Human bodies need energy in more precise and healthy ways in the current VUCA World. Most of the products available in the market are missing some key needs which will be addressed by this project