Breath sensors for pre-symptomatic disease detection
Over the past few years, traffic incidents caused by drivers that are under the influence of laughing gas have increased more than ten-fold. Unlike for alcohol and drugs, there is currently no device available that can prove a driver was under the influence of laughing gas.
We are developing a breath analyzer for the detection of laughing gas, as we expect a strong preventative effect when drivers know that they can get caught. In this way, our sensor will reduce the number of traffic accidents, create safer roads, and save lives.
Our technology can be relatively easily adapted to the detection of other molecules in breath. For both animal and human health, the detection of breath biomarkers allows for non-invasive and pre-symptomatic disease detection. This way, our breath analyzer for laughing gas will be a first step in creating a breath analysis platform for a safer and healthier society.
Want to know more? Visit our website:
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