At Demonstrator Lab we receive the support, guidance and structural approach which is very relevant in the early stages of our startup.
Your pocket guide to wellness: science made simple, fun, and just 5 minutes a read. The Renewal is a 5-minute weekly newsletter on what matters in well-being, health, and longevity. We saw the success of other newsletters like the Morning Brew, the Milk Road, and the Hustle, and are aiming to replicate the style of […]
Bug hunting with DBugIT Suboptimal testing of software creates problems, such as delayed trains, financial losses and even accidents with losses of human lives. However, students consider sofwtare testing as a boring and unrewarding activity. We are DBugIT and we aim to change this situation and bring fun and excitement in software testing education. Our […]
We create Smart Campus Tools. We use sensors and data to improve campus experience for students, while also innovating campus management for the University. We started to develop the PLEQ-app, a study spot finder based on real time occupancy data of study rooms around campus. We want to create the future campus. A campus where […]