AI-based, wearable visual aid technology
1 in 30 Europeans suffers from visual impairment, and 75% of them are unemployed. Taking the form of a pair of glasses, Sonoptic is an AI based solution helps the visually impaired at work, at home and in education by providing three key features: Object identification – to help find what they are looking for. Text to speech – as braille text isn’t available in most places. Space awareness – to get a feel of the surrounding space.
Athlete Health & Performance Monitoring. PULSE redefines Athlete Health and Performance Management through advanced sensors and AI technology. Our sensors and sports psychology-based app monitor Mental Health, Physical Health and Team Environment, providing Athletes and Sports Organizations with personalized recommendations to improve performance, decrease injuries, nurture athlete development and strengthen team dynamics. Why Demonstrator Lab? […]
AI-powered robotics for environmental sensing available through a configurable cloud platform. As a low-cost, highly automated platform for environmental sensing, Storks Robotics Lab’s products reducee the entry barrier for any business that requires environmental sensing. The solution works by programmatically deploying a large array of inexpensive environmental sensors using AI-powered autonomous drones and ground robots. […]
Climate change is affecting extreme weather – we identify how and when society is at risk Beyond Weather predictability could provide societies with valuable information on weather-related risk, allowing decision-makers to initiate early warning action plans and to optimize resource management. Using Artificial Intelligence (AI), we are developing a rigorous data-driven framework that enables automatic […]