AI-based, wearable visual aid technology
1 in 30 Europeans suffers from visual impairment, and 75% of them are unemployed. Taking the form of a pair of glasses, Sonoptic is an AI based solution helps the visually impaired at work, at home and in education by providing three key features: Object identification – to help find what they are looking for. Text to speech – as braille text isn’t available in most places. Space awareness – to get a feel of the surrounding space.
Climate change is affecting extreme weather – we identify how and when society is at risk Beyond Weather predictability could provide societies with valuable information on weather-related risk, allowing decision-makers to initiate early warning action plans and to optimize resource management. Using Artificial Intelligence (AI), we are developing a rigorous data-driven framework that enables automatic […]
We create Smart Campus Tools. We use sensors and data to improve campus experience for students, while also innovating campus management for the University. We started to develop the PLEQ-app, a study spot finder based on real time occupancy data of study rooms around campus. We want to create the future campus. A campus where […]
Targeting Software sustainability and standardizing serverless functions. We are taking on the rampant lack of standards with regards to serverless computing and aiming to create a simple standard which the entire development community can rally behind. This solution has the benefit of being more energy efficient, so we will help companies reach their sustainability goals.